Sunday, October 08, 2006

you are fat

Obesity is a malady and can cause mental stress. I was in a plane one day and happened to be seated next to an over weight person. He could almost cannot get himself into the seat. ..thanks to the help of the ever obliging air stewardess. He had to be virtually shoved into the seat... body and all. Once seated, he was stuck there for the rest of the journey. I thought I felt the plane tilt to our side! My journey was a nightmare for every movement he made was a nuisance for me. Half of his body was in my territory...the culprit....the food we take.
In a country like Malaysia whose multi racial population practices different cultures and religions, festive seasons are almost celebrated through out the year. And in these ocassions, sumptuous food is the order of the day. Relatives, friends and acquantances will be inviting each other to thier homes for dinners. Grandma's advice keeps ringing in my head - ' watch out what you not go for food that are rich in fat, sugar and salt.' If greed would become the better of you, then implement an exercise programme immediately after. ...otherwise you will have to buy two seats for yourself the next time you want to be in a plane.


Anonymous said...

I don't eat much, yet I weigh a ton! How do you explain that?

yainultok said...

Can be due to many factors. One of them is eating the wrong food and not doing enough exercise.

Anonymous said...

I think I know. I put my feet up on a leather stool, and lay back and watch TV all day. Sometimes I doze off...and forget even the time of day. Gosh, no wonder they call me...slob!

yainultok said...

try taking one of those herbs has an invigorating works.

Anonymous said...

I took the herb drink and guess what? I had to practically read my newspaper in the loo all day! Consolation....I do seem to have lost a bit of weight!!